Orders can take up to 48 hours to ship from our warehouse in Portland. Mainland U.S. orders $150 and over will qualify for free standard shipping by UPS Ground. Orders valued between $40 - $149.99 standard shipping will be $10. Orders valued under $40 standard shipping will be $20. Shipping prices for orders for Alaska and Hawaii will be shown at checkout. Prices are provided direct by UPS and are based on order weight and dimensions.
If using standard shipping, once your order has shipped, depending on delivery location you can expect orders to to reach you within 5 to 7 days. Total amount of time from order date to receiving the product is estimated at 8 - 11 days.
For mainland U.S. orders we also offer two expedited shipping options via UPS: 3 Day Select and Next Day Air Saver. Prices for these options are displayed at checkout and are based on order weight/dimensions and delivery location.
Please note: UPS does not deliver to P.O. boxes, and we are unable to refund outbound shipping charges.Â
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing your tracking link. Please use this link if you need to make alternative arrangements for your delivery.
Note that the legal title to purchased product transfers to the buyer at the point of shipment. You will need to submit any claims for damaged or missing parcels directly with the carrier.